Preparing For Showings

The following are some friendly tips to help you home welcome the buyers:
First impressions are lasting impressions. An inviting exterior insures inspection of the interior. Keep your lawn mowed and edged, the flower beds cultivated and the yard clear of refuse. Wash the siding on your home.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Bright, cheery windows and unmarred walls will assist your sale. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders to brighten up a room. Clean windows are an absolute necessity if a house is to look its best. Weather permitting, open windows to let fresh air in.
Fix that faucet. Dripping water discolors enamel and calls attention to faulty plumbing.
Spend a day with a carpenter. Loose doorknobs, sticking drawers, warped cabinet doors and the like are noticed by the prospective buyer. Have these things fixed.
From top to bottom … The attic and basement are important features. Remove all unnecessary articles which have accumulated. Display the full value of your storage and utility areas.
Closet illusion. Clothes properly hung, shoes, hats and other articles neatly placed will make your closets appear adequate. Do not over crowd.
Dear to her heart is the kitchen. Colorful curtains in harmony with the floor and countertops add appeal for the new lady of the house. Most buyers inspect the kitchen carefully, so extra time invested here is well spent. Clean the stove, replace reflector plates and don’t neglect the exhaust hood.
Check and double-check your bathroom. Bright and clean bathrooms sell many homes. Few places in the home get dirty so fast and yet few things will “unsell” a house as fast. Vanity, sink, faucet hardware and mirror are the focal points. But don’t forget other potential problems, soiled or missing grout, soiled toilet bowls and moldy shower curtains. Keep the toilet lid down.
Can you see the light? Illumination is a welcome sign. For after dark inspections, turn on your lights and lamps from the front porch on through.
Music is mellow. But when showing a house, shut offthe radio and television. They distract. Let the salesman and the buyer talk, free of such disturbances.
“Love me, love my dog” does not apply in house selling. Keep pets out of the way, preferably out of the house.
Silence is golden. Be courteous, but do not force conversation with the prospect. He is there to inspect your house, not to pay a social call.
Please do not tag along with the prospect and the salesperson. He knows the buyer’s requirements and can better emphasize the features of your house when alone. You will be called if needed.
A word to the wise … Do not discuss price, terms, possession or other factors with the customers. Refer them to us. We are better equipped to bring the negotiation to a favorable conclusion with all due